Why I selected the DMND program and not another SEO course???

3 min readDec 23, 2020

Hi there… I am working for a digital agency and have been implementing eCommerce solutions for the past decade. There are different types of implementations, platform and green-field implementations. Platform implementations are implementations where off-the-market products like hybris, SFCC etc are used. Green-field implementations are implementations where off-the-market product is not used.


It is during these implementations, that I started hearing about SEO and the way content needs to be built to enable better ranking in Google. It was also during these implementations that I started hearing about robots.txt and how it played a critical part in rankings. Whenever the conversation turned to SEO I started noticing that I automatically became silent as I could not contribute to the conversation. I realized that SEO was an integral part of eCommerce and since I was being employed in an agency, I had to learn about it; else I would be left behind.

Ever since then, I wanted to know more about SEO so that I could learn about where SEO were used, how it is used and the benefits it provides. In addition, I felt I had to learn how SEO enabling content can be weaved into the content being written along with the headlines.

Once I realized that I had to learn about SEO, I started looking for courses that could teach me the required skill. It was during this time that COVID also hit. So in-person classes were out. Amongst the online course there were 2 weeks SEO courses available, but these courses did not provide the holistic learning of SEO skills. I knew that if I had to learn SEO, I had to learn the 360 degree aspect of it — where it matters most, why it should be used, how certain aspects of it impact ranking etc. Just knowing about SEO would not suffice.


It was at this juncture, that I chanced upon the Digital Marketing Nanodegree program. When I went through the course syllabus, I noticed that it was in sync with what I wanted. It offered a holistic learning about SEO and I was confident that at the end of the course, I would be able to implement SEO tags where it mattered. Yes, there were portions that were not required from a SEO perspective, like Social Media, but otherwise, the SEO portion and how it could be leveraged across content, headlines and tags provided what I was looking for.

I am currently halfway through the course and I am already confident I am on the right track. I am already learning about how tags are to be incorporated and how tracking happens.

I will update this blog once I complete the course!! Looking forward to meeting you again soon…




Product Manager, experienced in eCommerce solutions